Foods to help with menopause symptoms.
Featured ·
It doesn’t seem fair does it? The physiological transitions we experience as women with their as...

What are Adaptogens and how do they benefit our health?
Adaptogens are real plant based heroes. They can help improve your stamina, boost immunity, help...

Why you should eat the rainbow
We have long heard the advice to eat wholefoods. This means eating natural foods in their whole s...

The health benefits of Maca
Maca is an amazing plant from Peru related to the humble radish yet has been prized for centurie...

Natural Energy Almond Milk
As autumnal days are making an appearance we have created a natural energy drink with a cosy, spi...

Breakfast Boost Smoothie
Our cooling, refreshing and energy boosting breakfast smoothie acts as a potent hydrator whilst ...

Green peas protein bites
High in protein, tasty and can be eaten raw or cooked. Green peas protein bites are delicious as ...

Mum On The Run Porridge
A firm favourite for our Mum On The Run blend is to make a tasty and nutritious porridge. Porridg...

Date & Nut Energy Slice
If you fancy something sweet with an afternoon cuppa try our date and nut slice. The consistency ...

How To protein Boost Your Porridge
Whether you are looking to manage your weight or increase your strength, maximising protein intak...

Post Workout Nut & Banana Smoothie
After a workout I am starving. Usually dashing on to work/kids/supermarket can mean grabbing some...

Green Goddess Granola
We love Granola but a good shop brought variety can be expensive and include ingredients that ram...

Lunch Box Banana FlapJacks
Looking for a little sweet treat for the lunchbox that is nutritious, tasty & won’t come home...

Energy Boosting Seeds & Honey
My Daughter has just started her GCSE’s & we have endured months of hard core revision. I say...

Banana & Coconut Chia Pot
Simple, nutritious and only 3 ingredients – our ideal recipe.
One ripe banana
120ml Cocon...

Banana, Mango & Chia Pud
Breakfast, pudding or mid afternoon snack, our Banana, Mango & Chia Pud is a tasty, nutritiou...