The health benefits of Maca

Maca is an amazing plant from Peru related to the humble radish yet has been prized for centuries for its health giving properties. In fact, it has been coined the gold of the Inca’s.
There are a few ways you can take Maca. We have our Maca capsules but also use it in the blends of Natural energy, Mum on the run, Golden goddess and Gym Bunny. Why are we so eager to combine Maca in our products? It is rich in many important vitamins and minerals including B, C and E. This makes Maca an excellent antioxidant food. In study it has been proven to protect the body from oxidative stress and scavenge free radicals (5) It supports the skin and helps rid the body free radicals caused by environmental factors, ageing and lifestyle choices.
The B vitamins in Maca are particularly useful for supporting your body during times of stress. When we feel stressed and anxious our adrenals are working overtime. B vitamins, particularly B3 are important in adrenal gland functioning and if you are stressed out will need the B’s by the bucket load.
Maca can also help boost your energy levels. It improves stamina during physical activity. One study published in the Science Journal of Ethnopharmacology showed improved 40km cycling time trial results in trained male cyclists after Maca supplementation (1).
Research also suggests that Maca can help with libido and sexual stamina in both men and women (2). This can help with loss of libido through life stage (such as menopause) or due to prescription medication such as antidepressants that notoriously impact sexual appetite.
Maca contains key minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, potassium and magnesium. The Iron content is also useful if you need supplementation in your dietary needs. Calcium, magnesium and potassium are all involved in bone health, nerve and muscle function as well as regulating blood pressure.
We use Maca powder in all our female superfood blends for a reason. Studies show that Maca is a great hormone balancer (3). It may help ease symptoms of PMS and be a valid natural alternative to HRT for menopause (4). In study many uncomfortable symptoms of Menopause were reduced (5), such as night sweats, irritability, low mood, interrupted sleep patterns, decreased libido, tiredness and headaches. Research has shown that Maca also has the ability to help with fertility. One study showed notable increased semen production at the 1500mg Maca daily dosage (6).
Maca also contains essential amino acids that can only be derived from food. They are essential in building repairing bones and tissue.