Banana & Mango Smoothie Boost

A quick, simple and nutritious smoothie blend with an added boost that makes this creamy delight a meal in a glass.
For the boost
2 tbsp. organic rolled oats, 1 tbsp. mixed nuts (natural with so salt), 1 tbsp. pumpkin seeds
150ml almond milk
1 banana
1 mango
Ice (if you like a cold smoothie)
Begin by blending the oats, nuts and seeds to a fine powder. If you want to make more than required the smoothie boost can be stored in a jar for another time.
Place your banana, peeled & stoned mango and almond milk in the blender. Add your boost and ice if you want it.
Blend & enjoy.
The banana & mango smoothie is choc full of potassium, calcium and antioxidants.