8 Reasons To Use Spirulina

Spirulina is a super charged addition to any diet. A nutrient dense food that contains everything we need for a healthy body. Concentrated with all 8 essential amino acids, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron and much more. Adding a little spirulina to your day will make a difference but we can also use it to solve some common problems. Here are 8 lifesaving solutions.
Hangover cure – Ok so its self-inflicted misery but we all over indulge from time to time. Spirulina is an amazing body cleanser, it detoxifies the liver and reduces inflammation. If you drink a large glass of water with spirulina before bed it works to reduce the effects of a night on the tiles. If you enjoy a glass of wine on a regular basis Spirulina takes the load off your liver.
Skin saver – The vitamins A, B12, and E coupled with calcium. Iron and phosphorous in Spirulina give your skin a glow. The tyrosine slows down cell ageing and antioxidants clean up free radicals responsible for cell breakdown. Spirulina also helps to heal skin and can be applied directly to the face to treat acne scars and eczema.
Detox – Feel like you have ‘overdone’ the good living and need a detox? Do you enjoy keeping your body purified and routinely eliminate toxins from your diet? Spirulina accelerates the detoxification process with a unique combination of phytonutrients that help cleanse the body.
Immune booster – Just a teaspoon or two of Spirulina every day can balance the immune system. The complex sugars in spirulina have proven to increase antibody production and infection fighting T Cells. Keep tip top and on your feet with enough vital energy to manage your day.
Post- natal recovery – After delivery Spirulina can work with the body to heal and help combat inevitable fatigue. Its high protein content, vitamin B12 and amino acids are building blocks for the body and will help restore vitality. This also applies to post surgery recovery and healing.
Workout buddy – Spirulina has long been taken by high level athletes as a dietary supplement for intense physical activity. Taken before exercise it increases stamina and boosts energy. Spirulina also helps to repair muscle and reduce cramps. As it is high in protein and essential amino acids and low in fat it really is an athlete’s best friend.
Stop the sneezing – Research findings published in 2009 showed Spirulina can be used to treat allergic rhinitis, an allergy that effects the nasal tract. If you suffer from pet or dust allergy Spirulina can significantly improve sneezing, runny nose and congestion. It is a drug free treatment for hay fever that could eliminate immune suppressing anti-histamines forever!
Weight loss –Taking spirulina before a meal can help to decrease your appetite. If you are prone to mid-morning or afternoon snacking it can also help to reduce cravings and keep you away from the biscuit tin! As it corrects any nutritional deficiencies, Spirulina maintains energy and a healthy metabolism.