10 Slimming Foods To Add To Your Diet

Remember the 1970’s grapefruit diet? There was method in this fad eating regime. Grapefruits are low in calories, low GI and are a powerful anti-ager. It has cholesterol lowering properties and strong antioxidant. It has more fibre than an apple and contains only 60 calories. Eat for breakfast, snack or dessert. Grapefruit can also aid detoxification, a great addition to your new year diet plan.
Green tea
A fabulous metabolism booster. Green tea has been proven to increase metabolic rate and increase fat burning. Five cups will burn around 85 calories and reduce the amount of calories your body stores from fat. If you don’t like the taste of green tea drink it as a Matcha shot. Mix ½ teaspoon of our organic Matcha in a small shot of juice and enjoy the benefits of this super slimming supplement.
Chock full of fibre and fat free. Rich in folic acid, magnesium, Vitamins A,B,C,D & K, iron, manganese, zinc, spinach should be in everybody’s trolley. Juice with fruits and vegetables for a daily boost or mix into salad’s, wraps, stews, pasta sauces, almost anywhere!
Chickpeas boost fat burning and are high in fibre. As filling as a carb with super slimming properties. Fry off some onions and garlic, add your chickpeas and stir a few minutes. Throw in a few cartons of chopped tomatoes and spinach and simmer for 20 minutes. Nutritious, slimming and won’t leave you hungry at bed time.
Lowers cholesterol and a fabulous detoxifier. Boosts circulation, the immune system and the digestive system. Add garlic to salads, stews, sauces, soups and make it a staple.
Mash it, spread it, juice it and eat straight from the skin. Avocado promotes fat burning, is cholesterol free, sodium free and high in essential Omega 3 fatty acids. If you are watching your health and weight avocado should be part of your diet.
Berries are high in fibre and liquid content so can help you feel fuller for longer. They are also a sweet treat that can balance your blood sugar, reducing cravings and maintaining energy levels.
In medical trials it was proven that:
1g of pepper reduced cravings for salty, sweet and fatty foods and increased energy expenditure (NHS website)
If you are dieting and want to boost your metabolism add chilli’s to your dish for flavour and fat burning properties.
Choose a natural, organic bio yoghurt for a healthy gut. The calcium in this yoghurt can also help break down fat cells. Throw some berries on top for a nutritious, filling breakfast.
Stabilises blood sugar levels and reduces carb cravings. Grate onto warm drinks, porridge or add to your smoothies for a depth of flavor.