13 Quick Fire Mood Changers.

We have 13 quick ways to flip your mood on days you feel a low mood brewing. It’s surprising how a simple switch of focus can sometimes lift your spirits and maintain emotional balance on down days. Reroute your mood by trying one of our exercises and avoid a downward spiral.
Pick up a book in prescription
Supported by health professionals and supported by public libraries, reading well books on prescription helps you to understand and manage your mental health. Look at the list and pick a book to keep close by when you need a little lift.
Sing & dance
Pick an upbeat song and sing loudly. Dance around your space if you can and see how a few minutes belting out a show tune can improve a flagging mood.
Body language
Science has proven that body language has a direct impact on our mood. If you are feeling less than cheerful notice how you are sitting or standing. Bent over like an old lady? Slumped over your desk? Pull your spine up straight and lift your head. Smile, trick your brain into feeling happy.
Acknowledge your wins
We are always focused on what we haven’t done. Take time to stop and acknowledge how much you have achieved. Celebrate the small things, not just the milestones. Amplify your sense of self. You are amazing!
Be clear about what you want
Clarity is key to setting goals and feeling like you are making progress. Each baby step you take towards where you want to be will lift your spirits. If you are feeling down in the dumps set a small goal to work on that day and for the rest of the week. Feel better in the knowledge that you are making positive changes.
Get arty.
Studies have shown that drawing or painting improves both motivation and mood. If you are lacking in artistic skills and don’t want to give this a try, colour in. Colouring has become a therapeutic past time proven to reduce blood pressure and change brain waves to states of calm and present moment thinking.
Take control
When you take full responsibility for your life and happiness it can be empowering. We always have a choice over the type of life we choose and the people we spend time with. Sit down and make a list of what needs to stay and go. Cut some ties and build some bridges. Become master of your own fate it lifts the spirits.
Look forward to something
Pick up the phone and book something to look forward to. Arrange a meet up or book in a treatment, the cinema or dinner with your partner even if you don’t feel like it!
Eat some chocolate
Eat a couple of squares of dark chocolate (at least 70%) to lower the stress hormone cortisol in your bloodstream, lowering anxiety.
Green tea
Drink a cup of green tea or enjoy a matcha shot they contain theanine that has a calming effect on the body.
Say something nice to someone
Paying a compliment is uplifting for the recipient but has been proven to lift our own moods. Being nice feels good. Bask in the reflection of making someone’s day.
Get moving outdoors
Being sedentary is not good for your mental health. Being sedentary and stuck indoors will really drag you down. If you feel your mood deteriorating during the day get your coat on and go for walk. You will return the better for it.
Change your scenery
You have heard the saying ‘a change is as good as a rest’. This can also apply to your mood. When you feel a low mood getting worse as the day progresses try switching the scene. Work from a different location or change your plans for the day.