Sunshine Smoothie

Green Goddess Sunshine Smoothie
1 cup of Kale
1 banana
1 wedge of juicy pineapple
1 apple
1 teaspoon Chilled Out Powder
Wash and trim away any tough stalks on the kale.
Add to blender along with the sliced and peeled banana, peeled and cubed pineapple chunked and cored apple and Chilled Out powder.
We like to add ice (make sure your particular blender to up to this)
The chill out powder is a good anti anxiety addition and so good for calm in the hot weather.
A new study in medical students found that summer, not winter, is the season when people are most likely to have higher levels of circulating stress hormones.
Increases in Cortisol during the hot weather can trigger symptoms of anxiety such as restlessness, palpitations, nausea and insomnia. That’s without the unreal nature of what’s happening with our weather.
🍃Chilled out contains 15x concentrated Organic KSM-66 Ashwagandha Extract which helps to reduce the “flight or fight” hormone cortisol and supports healthy adrenal gland function.
🍃5-HTP supports production of your feel-good neurotransmitter serotonin. GABA is a neurotransmitter that helps “put the brakes on the brain” and modulate stress.
🍃L-Theanine encourages mental relaxation.
🍃Passionflower and Lemon Balm are calming herbal extracts that support mood and stress.