Love Bombes

Who doesn't love an explosion of juicy goodness on Valentines Day? Our Love bombes only contain wholefood deliciousness with the addition of honey for sweetness (you can use your natural sweetener of choice). They can be rustled up in a heart beat, leaving you free for well earned self indulgence.
100g dates (we like medjool dates)
50g of hazlenuts
50g of brazil nuts
50g of Organic Raw Cacao Powder
2 Tbsps. of peanut butter (there are plenty of amazing whole nut peanut butters to choose from in the shops)
2 Tbsps. of honey
For the topping:
Ground mixed nuts
Raw chocolate (you can use dark chocolate)
Put your bombe ingredients in a blender and whizz until it reaches the desired consistency. You might like chunky nuts or a smooth bite? If the mixture seems too dry add some additional peanut butter or honey.
Shape into balls.
Spread your chopped nuts onto a plate and roll one side of your love bombe into the pieces.
Melt your chocolate. Either microwave (this can be only for the brave as a second too much and the chocolate will burn) or in a plate over a saucepan of boiling water (I like the cowards way).
Once your chocolate is melted roll the opposite side in the chocolate and leave to set.
You won't need to worry about storage too much as you will eat them quick. For those with willpower keep in the fridge in an airtight container.