How does CBD work inside the body?

When CBD was first discovered in the cannabis plant scientists had no idea that we too produced cannabinoids. Early study found that CBD was an active compound. It had an effect in the body but Scientists were unsure for many years how or why they were getting positive data from their trials.
The first discovery was a receptor site in the brain named CB1. Once scientists discovered a site that interacted with CBD they knew we must produce something internally that worked with the same site. The body didn’t have receptor sites and nothing to work with them.
Along came the discovery of the first human cannabinoid and they called it anandamide. The ‘bliss’ molecule.
The second receptor site CB2 was discovered in the 1990’s. This site is thought to be a protective system. It was noted that cannabinoid production increases at this site when the body experiences trauma, inflammation or breakages.
So CBD is a phytocannabinoid (from plants) that emulates our own cannabinoids (endocannabinoids) working at two receptor sites in our body (CB1 and CB2).
The CB1 and CB2 (endocannabinoid system) covers much of the body. To list them:
- Brain
- Immune system
- Pancreas
- Skin
- Heart
- Nervous system
- Spleen
- Muscles
- Liver
- Bones
- Lungs
- Vascular system
- Reproductive organs
As you can see the endocannabinoid system covers much of our bodies functioning. The receptors are thought to regulate many functions such as sleep, mood, stress level, pain, appetite and memory. CB1 seems to play a role in regulating neurotransmitters in the brain, influencing the production of serotonin, dopamine and GABA. It is also thought to be involved in lipogenesis the process of maintaining homeostasis (balance) in the body. CB2 receptors effect our immune system, pain response and could play a role in a variety of diseases.
Our bodies endocannabinoid system will react and interact with our own cannabinoids and those from cannabis the phytocannabinoid CBD.