Golden Goddess Hormone Balancing Bites

- Hot flashes and night sweats.
- Anxiety and depression.
- Low lidibo.
- Joint and muscle stiffness.
- Sleep problems.
- Urinary problems
Whilst you can blend Golden Goddess into water or juice to benefit from its nutritious ingredients, making it into tasty calcium and phytoestrogen rich bites really suports our health when feeling our of balance.
The long term effects of a drop in oestrogen during menopause can cause osteoporosis therefore a good daily intake of calcium is essential. Our bites contain both figs and sesame seeds that contribute to your calcium dose.
Namely Isoflavines and lignans are similar in structre to our oestrogen and may be able to alleviate some of the symptoms associated with low oestrogen levels during perimenipause/menopause. Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds are a good source of phytoestrogens. Flaxseeds are the richest source of lignans and have been shown to reduce night sweats and hot flashes. Some studies have shown that 40g of flaxseeds per day have similar effects to HRT!
50g of Golden Goddess Powder
40g Pumpkin seeds
40g of cashew nuts (unsalted)
30g sesame seeds
30g sunflower seeds
100g dried figs
Coconut oil or water to bind.
Quick and simple:
Blitz the cashew nuts in a blender. Add the remainder of ingredients and blend to the consistency you prefer. We like ours on the chunky side. Add water or coconut oil little by little until the tecture of the bites is dough like.
Roll into balls and coat with dessiccated coconut.